Saturday, January 26, 2013

How We Work on The Weekends

 This morning before a "business trip" to our home improvement store, I taught Million how to stir milk into a chemical-filled packet of sugar bake muffins.  I also taught him the song "Do You Know the Muffin Man?"  Highlight of his week.

Then we were off to Menards for some rope and stain for two custom orders.

I came up with two "new" things for our shop today...we're going to try an ebony stain, and we bought some hardware for another item I've been asking Michael to try to make for awhile.

Then we hit up Office Max to buy a receipt book with carbon copies for our upcoming craft fairs.  I did say plural "fairs."  We not only will be participating in the one we were invited to in March, but we've decided to do one each month September through December---bigger (technically only medium-sized) shows that range from 1500 to 3000 people.  So right now, we're in the craft show research mania phase...And the "oh my goodness, we have to get inventory ready for our first show in just a little over a month!" phase.
Speaking of which, I should get going...gotta get to work. 

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